Saturday, August 8, 2009

Stay Out of the Way...Stop Talking...NEVER!!

How dare you on the left tell Americans to "stop talking", or "get out of the way". Is not Free Speech a basic Constitutional right? Obama, the Dems and much of the citizenry on the left seem to be unhappy with those on the right speaking out about something they do not agree with. Please, someone explain to me why this is wrong. Obama says to stop talking; should we then just lie down and let his administration run its course? Joe Beltran of North Las Vegas would like the anti-health care contingent to "get out of the way"; should we then just step aside and wait for the results of this monstrosity to take the U.S. deeper into economic turmoil?


Mr. seems to think the RNC is in the pocket of the HMO lobby; where is the proof? Why not try Opensecrets for a dose of reality. Here you will find that: during the 2008 election cycle in the Senate Dems received $3.2M from HMO's while Reps received $1.4M (Obama himself received $1.4M). I also have the figures for the House in 2008, and both chambers for the upcoming 2010 election cycle. Or maybe this site, geared toward use in a classroom discussion.

Mr. Beltran, I realize it is your opinion, and you are entitled to it, but please try to base your comments on facts.

Lastly, I will always speak out against issues I disagree with; that type of behavior is what makes this country as great as it is. But while 'talking' and 'getting in the way', I will also call you, and anyone else, out on facts.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

MISINFORMATION?!?! Only from the Left!!!

In response to Edith Lifschultz's letter in the Tuesday Las Vegas Review Journal, I just want to urge the public (Left, Right and everything in between): take the time to read what Obama's Health Plan is about. At the very least, ask your representatives in Washington to read the bill before they vote on it. I mean really, do you honestly want any politician to vote on something they have not read?

Edith, Please, I urge you, go to the plan and read it. Misinformation is being fed to the public by the White House and their lapdog, the left-wing media. I challenge you to take a look at page 16 of the Health Care bill. Obama says we can keep our current plan/provider if we so choose. However, his bill states that is the case, ONLY if you stay with the employer you had, and the plan they provided, at the time the bill goes into effect. If the smallest detail of the plan you have in effect at the time of the bill's passage, you can no longer keep that plan. This is just one glaring instance of the MISINFORMATION being fed from those who wish to blindside the public into thinking they need this horrendous plan.

Now that I have said I do not like Obama's horrendous Health Plan, who is going to report me to the White House for voicing my opinion?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Support Obama?!?! WHY???

This is a very late response to Mike Lombardi in the Las Vegas Sun, Thursday, July 30, 2009. Please explain why I should support something I do not agree with? Let's turn the tables, where was all of the support from the left regarding the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Gee, it wasn't President Bush's fault that planes were flown into buildings. It may have been his idea to go to war, but he did so with the approval of both Houses of Congress. Where was the support from the left, in the media and the public? Exactly! How about another example. Mike, if your Dr. said the best way to cure your migraines was to jump off the top of the Stratosphere, what would you do? I am guessing you would not support his idea, and instead opt for a plan you had a little more faith in: an aspirin.

The bottom line is this: If I do not like his plans, why should I support them?

So, Mr. Lombardi, enough with this "We need to support President Obama's efforts to bring this country back from the destruction of the last 8 years." Listen Liberals, it's getting old, time to come up with another excuse or scapegoat. You see, part of the problem for the displeasure with Obama is that you, and almost ALL of those on the left anointed him as the savior of all mankind. Gimme a break. If he really is the end of all that ails the US, why are we still mired in unemployment? If his health plan is so incredibly good for this country, why is it not passed already? If the Obama economic team is so brilliant, how is it that they have made two major miscalculations already (effect of the stimulus and the 'Cash For Clunkers')? But you want us to simply support him for no reason. Explain why we should support him, instead of complaining that we don't.