Wednesday, April 30, 2008
First Response to Selected RJ Comments
Liberty or Death (4-27, 4:05a)
“…Paul should have the delagates from Nevada, Romney dropped out and that leaves him next in line”
What if Romney supporters’ second choice was McCain?
Jim Davidson (4-27, 4:11a)
“…Stealing elections is something the GOP has gotten comfortable with”
The results of the election of the nine Congressional District delegates were not announced, and the election of the 22 at-large delegates was not held. Please explain your basis for the election being stolen.
Ray (4-27, 10:06 a)
“…Bob Beers was handed a note the hastily dropped the gavel and said, "Recess!”
From the RJ, “State Sen. Bob Beers, R-Las Vegas, the convention chairman, announced that the convention would recess indefinitely about 6 p.m., saying the party's contract with the Peppermill Hotel Casino had expired and the gathering would reconvene at a later date.” Sen. Beers did not, out of nowhere, call for a recess.
“…Then McCain supporters were running around asking the others to leave, thus the quorum was broken”
I was there as well. As the remaining delegates attempted to establish a quorum, Paul supporters shouted for the McCain supporters to leave. This was followed by the McCain supporters shouting for the Paul supporters to leave. Childlike behavior from both sides, wouldn’t you agree?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
What is wrong with all of you? Everyone is missing the underlying point to the fiasco in Reno Saturday night: yes, Ron Paul “beat” John McCain in the Nevada caucus, by one percentage point (,; hold the caucus today and I am certain we would have a much different result. To think that because RP beat JM in January he would automatically beat him today is ludicrous.
How many Republicans honestly believe all Romney and other candidates’ supporters, now that they are out of the race, back Paul? The RP supporters complain about the party leaders ‘forcing’ us to back McCain, yet you want to force the supporters of Romney and other candidates’ to back RP. We all learned as children a long time ago, “two wrongs do not make a right”. Yes, some other candidates’ supporters I am sure would back RP now that their man is out of the race, but to think it would be fair to allot all other delegates to RP would be the epitome of unfair tactics. The fact that delegates to the national convention are not obligated to any one candidate should put RP supporters at ease; that is, assuming RP is such a phenomenal choice.
If RP is such a great choice, why did he, and others, fail so miserably against Romney in the caucus. In several states no one candidate won by a majority in their respective caucus/primary. Yet, here in
The bottom line is this: yes, RP beat JM. However, hold the caucus today and the best you could possibly hope to achieve would be a 50/50 split. How could that possibly benefit either candidate at his point in the race?
My next comments are replies to the several comments in response to Sen. Beers’ blog and articles in the Las Vegas Review Journal and the Reno-Gazette Journal.